Of training and dust

So we are back in Ghana! After an unfortunate and long delay at Heathrow Amelia flew into Accra on Tuesday 29th May – just – it was heading to 30th by the time the plane landed. Brilliant to see Kodwo and be whisked off to the luxury of Dean’s.

It was lovely to walk back on the ward to see all the old faces and the hustle and bustle of stroke care going on as normal at Korle Bu. I did not have time to even sit down before I was in the back of a car and on my way to Ridge (now Greater Accra General Hospital) to observe the Korle Bu team delivering the well-established communication and continence teaching.

Having spent the rest of the week catching up on the project progress to date it was great to have Keri and Liz arrive on Saturday night. Following my own experience I was not at all jealous that they had both been bumped to business class!!

Back to hard work on Sunday – in a taxi to Labadi Beach Hotel to do some serious debriefing and preparation for the week ahead – along with a bit of R&R!!

Accra has been particularly dusty – but this was relieved by torrential rain on Sunday and then again on Thursday – but this has only briefly disrupted the wonderful sunshine.

It has been a wonderful week spending time with the Korle Bu team and supporting them to spread the word of high quality stroke care across Accra. The training that has been undertaken with staff at Ridge and La General Hospitals is bearing fruit with improved care and positioning noted at both hospitals. The most notable element of the week has been the enthusiasm and drive of all the staff involved in the project.

Along with some administrative work to ensure that the project is on track all of us have enjoyed catching up with old colleagues as well as meeting new friends all in the pursuit of top class stroke care.