Timeline of WGSP
February – WGSP hosts World Stroke Academy webinar on Developing Stroke Care in West Africa, including representation from Ghanaian and UK teams
June – publication in the West African Journal of Medicine
Read the West African Journal piece here >>
June – virtual ESFTH walkaround for WGSP UK team hosted by EFSTH
September – further THET funding secured for 6-month initial project phase with EFSTH in The Gambia, focus on diaspora volunteer involvement; publication in Lancet Neurology
Read the Lancet Neurology piece here >>
October – first UK team visit to The Gambia; core skills training; data collection links between KBTH and EFSTH teams initialised
December - virtual core skills workshop held with EFSTH team
January - visit to The Gambia; core skills training; data collection; laptops and WiFi cards provided
Regular virtual project planning meetings between EFSTH and UK team established
MDT virtual education programme established with EFSTH MDT teaching including core skills and stroke medical updates
July – WGSP hosts second World Stroke Academy webinar on core skills training and dissemination, including representatives from Ghanaian, Gambian and UK teams; attended by over 300 participants from 70 countries
July – Letter of agreement signed between WGSP and University of Zambia / University Teaching Hospital (UNZA / UTH) outlining informal supportive relationship
September – KBTH nursing team provide virtual support to Zambian nurses training to open the first stroke unit in Zambia, facilitated by UK team
We change our name to Wessex Global Health Partnerships
January – Awarded THET Healthcare Workforce Development Grant Scheme to improve stroke care at Ho and Tamale Hospitals in Ghana; the project will be carried out collaboratively between UK WGSP team and KBTH teams
January - KBTH Stroke Unit celebrate their 10th birthday!
March - Colleagues from Tamale and Ho visit Korle Bu Teaching hospital; initial training provided on swallowing and positioning by KBTH team; virtual meeting with UK team during their visit
May - Development of elearning modules in swallowing and positioning commenced
June – WGSP UK team and KBTH team visit Tamale and Ho hospitals; key stakeholder events held; face to face training on swallowing and positioning
July – Virtual training on swallowing delivered